Keselamatan Berkendara
Advertising is the means the company to introduce, promote products, and sell them to the public. Print ads generally use verbal element of the display (text) and nonverbal elements (contexts). These two elements with sales messages conveyed to the reader or potential consumers. Therefore, the problem is how to link these elements to form a whole discourse in commercial advertising (IKOMES), especially in the print media in Egypt. What is the structure of these elements and how the meaning or message(s) contained in it, and how the meaning or message that contained therein. So, thereader can understand what the advertiser wishes. A number of research data is collected from various newspapers and magazines that published in Egyptwhich containelements of verbal and nonverbal as well as having elements as Leech concepts. Therefore, commercial advertisements containing text and context of the local culture and contain sales messages to the audience.The data were analyzed with advertising discourse by utilizing several theories simultaneously. The theories will be used are the theory of discourse, pragmatic theory, and the theory of semiotics. The results of the research that has been done is as for the message is delivered in IKOMES more through nonverbal elements because more interesting. Nevertheless in advertising, to explain the nonverbal elements, at least one verbal element must be displayed, namely al-khaththur-raīsi or headline.
advertising, elements of verbal, nonverbal elements, text, context, and message.
Copyright (c) 2017 Jurnal CMES
Copyright of CMES ISSN 2085-563X (print) and ISSN 2502-1044 (online)
CMES Journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Contoh Iklan Non Komersial
Iklan non komersial adalah iklan yang bertujuan memberikan informasi kepada banyak orang. Menurut buku Kreatif Tematik Tema 9 oleh Rumiyati dan Tatang, hal tersebut dilakukan adalah agar masyarakat mendapat pengetahuan, wawasan, dan perubahan perilaku atau sikap.
Mengutip buku Bagaimana Biro Iklan Memproduksi Iklan oleh oleh Agus S. Madjadikara, beberapa jenis iklan non komersial di antaranya yaitu iklan layanan masyarakat, lowongan pekerjaan, dan orang hilang. Berikut beberapa contoh iklan non komersial:
Iklan Lowongan Kerja di Web Perusahaan
Perbedaan Iklan Komersial dan Non Komersial
Perbedaan utama antara iklan komersial dan non komersial terletak pada tujuannya. Iklan komersial bertujuan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan, sedangkan iklan non komersial menyampaikan informasi atau edukasi.
Sehingga iklan komersial menggunakan kalimat yang persuasif dengan visual menarik perhatian. Sementara itu iklan non komersial biasanya fokus menyampaikan informasi dan bersifat edukatif.
Contoh iklan non komersial adalah iklan layanan masyarakat yang menyampaikan informasi untuk publik. Tidak memiliki tujuan untuk mencari keuntungan.
Lalu seperti apa contoh iklan komersial? Yuk simak jawabannya di pembahasan berikutnya!